TV Installation New York is uniquely qualified to equip your home for enjoyment of epic motion pictures and concert-level performances alike. Our relationship with forward-thinking, solutions-oriented manufacturers places the finest electronics available within our designers’ grasp. As simple as television installation can seem, having the experience of knowing how speakers react within certain conditions, both physical and electronic, allows us to prescribe TV Installation systems that perform correctly by design, not by accident. Aiming to secure integrity of the video image, choosing the right electronics in an overall design can’t be understated, and TV Installation New York employs no shortage of journeyman experience when it comes to TVs, amplification, source, and accessory components that “play well together”. With the days of “louder is better” and “size is all that matters” well in the rearview mirror, fidelity, purity, and accuracy are the cornerstones of the TV installation projects Television Installation New York are called upon to design and apply. How can we equip your lifestyle?